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Why Spring is the Perfect Time to Revamp Your Branding Strategy

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

Spring is a period of rebirth and renewal. As the flowers sprout and the days get longer, it’s also the perfect time to take stock of where your company could use its own growth. If you’re ready to branch out, a good place to start your assessment is in the branding department.

Branding can really make or break a company, because it dictates how your product or service is perceived by the masses. According to Forbes, building brand awareness can not only make your business more recognizable and improve your advertising, it can also help you create trust and produce loyal customers. Here are a few brand strategy tips that will help you end your Spring with a stronger network of roots.

Build Your Brand Awareness Step by Step.

Building your brand won’t just happen overnight. It takes time and attention to detail. However, if you go in with a game plan, you’ll almost certainly see the results you’re hoping to achieve.

1. Be clear about your goals and expectations.

What do you hope to get out of revamping your brand? What do you expect from your team to accomplish this? The clearer you can be about what you expect, the more everyone will understand your vision.

2. Find your why.

Why do you think it’s important to rebrand? What isn’t translating to your current audience that you think can improve?

3. Align your priorities.

Does your brand actually align with your priorities as a company? For example, if your products are eco-friendly are you going the extra mile to make sure the manufacturing is also environmentally supportive? Brand consistency matters to your customers.

4. Do your due diligence.

Talk widely about what you want to change in your brand. What do your co-workers find successful and what’s less impactful? Survey your customers. Collecting inside and outside opinions can only strengthen your understanding of your own brand’s perception.

5. Make the change.

Revamp your brand using the information you collected. Create a new logo and typography design that expresses your brand’s new direction.

6. Keep tinkering.

Set a trial period. If you don’t see the growth you’re hoping for after a certain number of weeks has passed, keep using trial and error to speak to your consumers.

Create a Brand Strategy that’s Human at its Core.

At the end of the day, your brand is competing for the attention of people, so it should always contain a human element that makes it easily relatable and exciting. Consider what your target audience really cares about and needs when you’re making your brand strategy. Market that specific aspect of your company or product through all of your avenues, like social media.

The human variable is why creative branding is so important. Humans respond to creativity, because that’s a trait that makes people distinct from other creatures. By thinking outside of the box, with things like custom typography and bright colors, you’re bound to get an aesthetic reaction. Make sure they can see themselves in your brand by being specific and diverse in who you hire to model.

Develop a Logo Design that Speaks for Itself.

It’s very possible that your logo design is the first part of your company that a consumer interacts with. Your logo should be simple and memorable. In other words, it should stand out to your target audience. Great logos are designed by defining your voice, building on what you already have for consistency, and making something timeless. If logo design isn’t your specialty, that’s okay, consider hiring a team, like ours, to make you something unique and spectacular.

Revamping your brand can help you reach more consumers to make a greater impact. In the Spring, people are interested in reinventing themselves, so they’re open to trying something new. Having your new branding ready for Spring could mean you catch your target audience at just the right time. Sow the seeds using a solid brand strategy and watch it grow.


Need help with Digital Marketing? Here at McMillan & Phillips we have a team of experts to make all your brand growth a reality. Reach out today and let’s start optimizing your website and ultimately, your brand!

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