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Simple Photo Editing Tools to Make Your Pictures Look More Professional

When it comes to your business, professional images say a lot about your story. The magic is in the editing. While you may feel the urge to buy presets or add filters to create a cohesive theme for your website or Instagram, filters are not the same as properly editing an image.

You can produce quality images for your business and brand with the camera you've already got. Learning how to use photo editing tools will take your pictures to the next level.

Use these photo editing tips for beginners to set your images apart.

Ease into it

When you're first learning to edit, you might be tempted to move the slider a little to the left or right and call it a day. Start slow and ease into your edits. Play around with the contrast, brightness, shadows, ambiance, details, and structure. Over time, you'll develop an editing style and a cohesive look to establish your brand's visual message. Remember, less is more.

Straighten images

If you didn't get the horizon straight while you were taking your photos, learning how to straighten the background is a quick and easy step. Apps like Snapseed and even the editing tools on your phone let you straighten your images to get the perfect shots of the ocean or sunset.

Crop Photos

Did you forget to take your camera bag out of the frame, or want to make it appear like you're the only one in the photo? Cropping your photos can enhance the image and keep your subject in focus. As an alternative to cropping, you can use the healing function to delete people or unwanted objects from the image.

Play with the Colors

When it comes to editing photos, start by visualizing what you want your photo to look like and consider your desired effect. If you want to heighten the colors, boost the saturation. Play with colors to achieve the look you want. Change the contrast to make colors stand out. Adjust the exposure by playing with how bright you want the photo to be. Sharpen details and pay attention to the colors in the shot.

When you're first learning to edit photos, it's important to get comfortable with the editing controls. Many of them are sliders that can be dragged from left to right to make adjustments. Play with these features to achieve your desired look.

Need new images for your brand, we've got you covered!

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